
The Outreach Ministry responds to and calls others to action on local, national and international issues which influence the well-being of people and their environment. We believe that serving Christ requires us to serve others in need. We reach out in love and concern because God reaches out to us and directs us to do likewise. Our Outreach services include Loonie Lunch, Community Sunday Breakfast, Pennywise Thrift Shop, Reconciliation Circle as well as Social Justice and Mission projects.


Everyone is welcome for a hot, nutritious meal and social interaction. Lunch is served from 11am to 12pm Wednesdays.


The Pennywise Thrift Shop offers gently used clothing and small household articles for minimal costs. The shop is open to the public on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays between 12pm and

The Social Justice and Mission Committee is responsible for researching, for selecting and educating our parishioners about projects that address social justice and Christian mission needs at local, national or international levels. This responsibility includes directing and monitoring the budget allotted for these projects by the annual Vestry of this parish. Emergency social justice and Christian mission needs may also be supported and promoted by this committee.

LOCAL initiatives include Coldest Night of the Year participation by the St. James’ Walkers in support of our local shelter project Building Hope.

Donna, Bill (L) and Lynda (above) are team members.

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NATIONAL projects include Water in the North.

Pimatisiwin Nipi

Faith communities across Canada have, since 2013, oriented our Gift Giving to respond to the URGENT need for water in Indigenous communities – a basic human right.

Christine Hager a behind-the-scenes pillar of local art