Ministry Council

Mandate: The Ministry Council operates as an advisory body to the Churchwardens and Incumbent. The Council ensures that both Diocesan and St. James’ policies and procedures are consulted and followed as pertains to all discussion and issues that arise.

The Venerable Archdeacon
John Anderson


  • Act as communication liaison between the ministry and Ministry Council, reporting plans and activities of all areas of the ministry to council and relaying relevant information and recommendations from Council to all groups within the ministry
  • Decide what is in the overall best interests of St. James’ and publicly support decisions made by Council regardless of their personal opinion or stance
  • Co-ordinate reporting of activities and related funding/budget information to and from the ministry
  • Ensure that St. James’ policies and procedures are followed and adhered to within their ministry
  • Attend meetings regularly and be an active participant in Council discussions and decisions. Participate in subcommittees and special sessions as required
  • Ensure each Ministry budget is prepared and submitted to Council as required and that expenses are managed efficiently by the Ministry