Exciting times ahead for this ministry! Construction is currently underway for a dedicated space that will offer various activities for children and youth. Stay tuned for more details.

more to come!

2018 Youth Financial Summer Camp

Money management can be a mystery; it can be terrifying or lead to a stable financial future. An exuberant group of youth participated in the 2018 2nd annual financial summer camp, hosted by the St. James’ Anglican Church. Facilitator Andreas Simic, of the Meristic Financial Literacy Center, combined his down-to-earth money teachings with off-site field trips which were enjoyed by all. Each day the students learned new skills ranging from the management of credit cards and debt to the value of consistently saving from an early age. As well participants had an opportunity to observe the stock market in “live” action to gain an understanding of varying investments such as mutual funds. Participants agreed that “budgets work” and “always put 10% of your income into your savings BEFORE paying other expenses”. Each attendee received a congratulatory certificate from Simcoe North MP Bruce Stanton. In addition they also received a certificate of completion and $100 bursary to start their own savings account from our lead sponsor, the Community Foundation of Orillia. Our sincere thanks to all who made this week successful: participants, parents, St. James’ Church, Aon Reed Stenhouse Insurance, Orillia Youth Centre, Orillia Bowl, Orillia Community Development Corp., Agilec Employment Services, ZEHRS, Lakehead University, Georgian College, Red Caboose Mini-Putt, Meridian Credit Union, Information Orillia, the Community Foundation of Orillia and Area, Meristic Financial Literacy Center, Metro Orillia, Bank of Montreal and MP Bruce Stanton.

For more details contact stargzr722@bell.net