Parents bringing children to be baptized make a commitment to nurturing them in the faith and life of the Christian community.
All baptized persons are encouraged to participate in God’s work in the world through their gifts of time, talent and financial resources.
At St. James’ baptisms occur during our normal Sunday services on Easter, Pentecost, All Saints and the Baptism of the Lord. You and your child are encouraged to attend our services first and get to know the church family that you will become a part of.
If you are interested in a child or adult baptism contact Archdeacon John Anderson (705) 325-2742.
Baptism (which comes from the Greek verb “to wash”) is the universal ritual of initiation into the fellowship of followers of Jesus Christ known as the Church. Christians, whether adults or babies, are baptized with water in the name of the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Baptism is one of the two holy acts mandated by Jesus—the other being the sacred meal of bread and wine known as the Eucharist.